About us

We are a bunch of Cambridge medical students who want to make the medicine application process as easy as possible for all, regardless of your background.

Applying to medicine is no easy task. There are many hoops to jump through, and at each stage, there are so many resources online that it’s easy to become overwhelmed. When we applied it was difficult to know where to start and which resource to use. Plus, no one has time to read through everything! We think this is unnecessarily stressful and complicates the application process. So, at The Medic Collective, we decided to consolidate all the resources we recommend into one place, easily categorised and accessed, and create detailed guides for every aspect of the application process. We hope that this will make your journey into medicine a whole lot easier – so you can spend less time finding awesome content and more time reading it.

We are also determined to help diversify medicine. We have made comprehensive lists of the fantastic widening access initiatives, scholarships, and bursaries for such students, streamlining the process and empowering students to take the leap and apply. On top of this, by collating only the free resources, applying to medicine is no longer a matter of money.

Besides a resource collective, we also endeavour to help you think like a medic. We hope to run a blog highlighting key discoveries and findings in a various assortment of healthcare-related topics that as medics will be fascinating to read, and hopefully can form the basis of some of your wider reading. We encourage people to ask questions and draw parallels between findings, so with each article, you will find questions that will help you dig deeper into the topic, and questions to make you think about how the discoveries directly relate to medicine and patient care.

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Image credits: @Bookofbones_

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