How to choose a medical school

Choosing your favourite medical schools is a personal decision- after all, medicine is a long degree! That being said, applying strategically can maximise your chances of receiving that all important offer. In the next three posts I’m going to break down the process I used and the key factors I looked for to make my shortlist. 


Who am I?

I’m Imy, a (soon to be) third year medic at St John’s College, Cambridge. I applied to Cambridge, Nottingham, Leeds and Birmingham and received offers from all four! I know how hard it is to apply to medicine without a fancy school, expensive courses or doctors in the family. That’s why I’m passionate about widening participation- your background shouldn’t determine your destination. I share more top tips and snippets of my journey on Instagram at @Imydoesmed!

Why does it matter?

First of all, you will be spending 5/6 years of your life here (maybe more)- you want to make sure it suits you. This means not only looking at the course and the university but also the social life, hobbies and getting a feel for the area. Secondly, although there are five choices on UCAS you can only use four places to apply to medicine, so choosing your four choices strategically can make a big difference to the success of your application. 

Image credits @Imydoesmed. Follow her on instagram for more medicine highlights!

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